I just got to thinking about my life, what I value, what I don't, what makes me happy, what doesn't; that sort of thing. Sounds harmless enough, I know, but here's where I want to go a little further (I'm hoping I can pull this off without embarrassing myself). I think if we're all brutally honest, we have things in our lives that we're a little...proud of. You know, something that makes us secretly puff our chest out a little? Maybe we have really good legs, or the best serve on the volleyball court, or a real knack with the boys, or we can hit the highest note in the choir, or we're known for our peanut butter pie... Not bad stuff necessarily, and in many cases, kind of cute or downright endearing. We'd probably laugh embarrassedly or vehemently deny it if we got called out, but these things are true, whether we admit it or not.
So here, I'm going to blow my cover and admit for all the world to see (or anyone who cares to read this blog, LOL!) what my secret vanity is.
So I have this collection. I treasure it and I add to it whenever and wherever I can; in fact, I'm always on the lookout for new specimens, and nothing tickles me more than when I find one. I'm not particularly picky about style or substance - my thing is quantity and variety. The bigger my collection gets, the prouder I am of it, and the more joy it brings me. I love to bring it out sometimes, when I have some quiet moments to myself, and just look at it. Line it all up, piece by piece, hold each one in my hand, turn it and let the light reflect on it, admire it and, hey, high-five myself for finding it! You see, the collection I speak of is my friends.
When I get to thinking about it, I realize every time that I'm truly one of the most blessed girls alive. I have a sample of every different kind of age, size, gender, socio-economic status, education, interest. Mine are old and young, boys and girls (big ones and little ones), entrepreneurs and students and housewives, world travelers and homebodies, city friends and country friends, straight shooters and colorful creative types; some talk a lot, some talk a little. Some are feisty, and some are more gentle than a lamb. Some make me hurt and some make me happy, although I've noticed that even the ones that hurt end up being pretty worth the bother in the long run.
What's the use, you ask? What can you do with them? Well, let's see. I can go hiking or I can go shopping; I can see a play or hear a concert; I can deep-sea fish, or I can put my feet up and talk politics and economics and world history. I can wander a flea market or an art museum or build a fort in the woods; I can learn about blacksmithing and bread-baking and really cool music; I can play tennis or play Uno; I can watch sappy movies and shoot-em-ups; I can go paintballing and ziplining and on excursions to exotic places, or I can sit in one spot for hours and do nothing but talk. I can laugh until my sides hurt, and I can share something so deep that the only release is to let the tears pour down the face. All of this, and so much more, and I have somebody to do it with. See, that's the cool thing about the variety in my collection - all of these incredibly amazing, colorful people, and me, little old me, I get to reap the benefits.
In fact, sometimes I feel a little smug, especially when maybe one contingent turns up its nose at another. "Silly people," I think; "little do you know what you're missing." See, my friends are so wonderful, all of them, that I start to feel sorry for anybody who doesn't have a collection like mine.
Sometimes, I wish I could find a way to tell each one - I see you, I remember you, I treasure you. Some of you know who you are; some of you might not. It's no matter, you all are a part of the most valuable thing I own.
The fun thing is I'm still on the hunt. My collection is in no way complete, and I get excited thinking about what I might find around the next corner.
Anyway. It's refreshing to do a heart-dump periodically. Thanks for enduring! :)
Since there isn't a picture big enough to contain the whole shebang, and I do think a blog post is better with a little shot of color, may as well post one of my favorite pictures of all time!