Pancakes. Fried until crispy in pure, unadulterated butter. I cockily told myself I had this food weekend thing under control. One pancake and an egg, I said. I think I stopped at three and a cheese-laden omelet. An auspicious beginning.
Sweet potato with marshmallow meringue, and chocolate pecan. I need meringue lessons, for what it's worth.
Notice, no photos of buckets and mops, or leaf rakes, or piles of bills and receipts. What's the old saying? "Eh, don't sweat it; it'll still be there, waiting for you." Yep, it is.
Anyway, a random list of things I am thankful for, in no particular order:
- Friends. All of them. They make life awesome, on so many levels.
- This:
Because they are mine and I wouldn't trade a one for all the gold in the world. (Even that black-haired stinkpot in the back row.)
- The way that the smell of coffee makes everything better.
- My aunt. Because it is so awesome to have one person (aside from my mother, who is biologically obligated) who thinks I am totally cool, regardless of whether that fact is true or not.
- Music. Ahhhh, music. And great speakers. And intense volume.
- The person who figured out how to dig cocoa beans out of their pod, and then ferment them, dry them, roast them, grind them, press them, mix them with sugar and milk and stuff, all to create chocolate. I am eternally grateful. While we're on the subject, the people who invented cake and croissants are pretty huggable, too.
- Mountains and oceans. Because there is nothing quite like nature at it's biggest and most dramatic to remind a human being just how puny and temporary and insignificant they and all of their "situations" are in the whole scheme of things.
- Possibilities. The fact that I haven't seen the Northern Lights yet doesn't mean I never will. Not to mention all of the amazing things I haven't even imagined that are still yet to come. (Hark! This applies to you, too, Dear Reader.)
- Freedom from fear. Or, maybe more accurately, the ability to recognize fear, look it in the face, kick it square in the pants, and send it packing.
- Second chances. It's a gift to know that even if I screwed up today, I can start over tomorrow and I never have to make that mistake again. What a joy, to be able to mitigate shame with forgiveness and determination to be better. (And such a comfort when I just stuck my foot in my mouth or grouched at a colleague.)
- Kids. Because their joy and ability to love without reservation feeds my soul and takes my breath away. Why do grown-ups have to outgrow that, anyway? (I vote we just don't.)
- Books. Because when you read, the world is your oyster, regardless of whether a plane ticket is in the budget or not. Trust me, I know this.
- A heavenly Father whose mercies are new, every single morning. All I have needed, His hand has provided. This, right here, is Everything. (And it is His presence that gives meaning to all of the rest.)
What are you thankful for?