Tuesday, September 24, 2013


This, my friends, was the beginning of our Pottery Night.  A-not-to-bad-start really.  True, I'd rather be glugging a green drink (!), or brown, or red, but this was kind of fun.  And just so you know, I did thoroughly enjoy a warm, melt-in-your-mouth, straight from the piping hot oil, glazed in about a cup of sugary bliss, delish doughnut! It's been awhile.
And so did these two! I believe their count was....but who's counting????
And the smug one? Yah she ate too!  And I was counting!!!  Ha ha!
So we did make it out of Krispy Kreme, and put our evening back on track.  There were four wheels open tonight, so we gathered our supplies, and set to work.  The only really serious problem that was slowing us down a wee bit, was the fact that not a one of us was really sure as to what we were doing!  But when you have your hands on a clump of wet spinning clay, you just go and do. Which, right or wrong, we went and did....
Step one is to throw your clay unto the wheel.  The hope is that you actually throw it smack dab in the middle of the wheel. Snicker, cough, wheeze.....the chances of throwing it in the center? Well, lets just say, the more we practice, HOPEFULLY the better we'll get.
And when the clay refuses to be centered, you scrape it off and try again...and again...and again.
But the Care had success! Success means something to fire and glaze and take home!  Whoo hoo!!
The second step was forming the centered clay.  First you pulled it up into a cone, then kind of flattened it into a tuna can.  Becki couldn't seem to get off the tuna can step.  Is this a good time to interject, "It's all about the experience"?
Step three, once the tuna can is mastered, is to pull up the clay; creating sides.  Becki was having a little difficulty here.  Though to be quite fair, we each had to begin anew about the same number of times.  A lot of laughter and photos insued.
Starting again.  She's such a good sport!

Brianna, as usual, makes something you'd want to take home and use.
The pots of the night.  Our goal is to make mugs.  Something you would fashion a handle to.  Something useful for drinking out of.  I for one, am making something more useful in displaying flowers in.  Short flowers.  I was encouraged all night to pull my sides up.  I tried.  Really I did.  But my fingers had a mind of their own.  Three more weeks to accomplish this.  I think a good idea would be to sit and watch youtube videos on this whole process. Hours of it, maybe.

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