Monday, November 4, 2013

Food and Family

Kate and Andrew were in town this weekend, so this is what my Saturday looked like:

When you combine the arrival of fall with the arrival of the missing sister, the resulting mix is potent indeed.  Bring on every celebratory dish we can think of... Party Mix!  Chili!  Smores!  Turkey Dinner!  The fun part, though, was hanging out all afternoon, us girls, making messes and being a family.

That extra yummy you tasted in the bread?  Well, I did have a pretty nice helper...

My sisters.  I love them, deeply.  But they are awful about taking pictures.  They really are way jollier than they appear in photos, generally speaking. 

Saturday afternoon wouldn't be complete without the solid and comforting presence of the family patriarch....'s been a long time since I did this.  And let me tell you, it felt downright good. 

I was out tossing a ball around with Colton and I walk around the corner to see this.  Annistyn apparently decided to park her car next to mine...

Post-chili smores

All of that cooking we did culminated in this:

A Sunday feast of epic and delicious proportions, and the warmth of family to enjoy it with.  What more could a person ask for?

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