Monday, June 17, 2013

I am the Tune (Tunie) of this blog, and this is our sidekick, Natalie.
I am a wife, mother of 5, and Grandmother of 2.
Home is where I would rather be than anywhere else, and having family gather around the table is one of my greatest joys.
I love cooking! And more accurately, I love feeding people! I sew, draw, paint,  knit, crochet, attempt silk ribbon embroidery, and have flirted with stump work (which I love, love, love). I have a small garden, and I love working in the yard. Some day I would love to say that I quilt and weave.  
I have been a Christian for 34 years, and in all honesty, I love my Lord Jesus with all my heart.  Every year is sweeter than the last, wrapped in His arms of love.  He is my being.  He is my constant friend and help and comforter.  I give my life to Him.
He has blessed me with 5 wonderful children.  When my forth was ten, my husband and I were quite sure we were done having children.  Then we found we were expecting! Wow!
Natalie is that little bundle of joy that became part of our family.  She is loved by all, and she is a lover of life and people!  I can't imagine life void of her friendship and sweetness.  
She also is the "side-kick" of this blog.  She goes just about everywhere with Carrie and I.  And through the years, she has always been underfoot.  We wouldn't have it any other way.  After a long day of shopping, or cleaning, or cooking, there is nothing like snuggling in the arms of such a warm, sweet, darling little girl.  
We look forward to many more years of cooking, gardening , crafting, and traveling together.  We hope you enjoy a look into our lives, and we hope to be an inspiration to those who linger with us.

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