Sunday, June 23, 2013

Tunie, otherwise known as the Grand Poo-bah

This being a momentous day today; that is, the day that we celebrate the birth of Tunie, I thought it might be appropriate to take a moment and share a bit about her for the benefit of those who might not have the privilege of knowing her.

Tunie is full of color.  How else to describe her?  The funny thing is if you don’t know her well, you might be forgiven for seeing her in soft neutrals – gracious and gentle, soft-spoken, kind, content to stay in the background, out of the limelight… and yet… there is this… something… that makes one suspect that there is more to this story.  Sure enough, after many years of admiring her from afar, I was finally given the opportunity to really get to know Tunie, and lo and behold, all of those nice, pretty pinks and blues and beiges (very lovely colors in their own right) burst forth into a glorious, riotous rainbow of vibrant hues.

Tunie is an artist.  She’s one of those annoying people that masters every single mode of creative expression that she puts her hand to.  She sews, she knits and crochets, she beads and embroiders, she makes buttons and paper and lovely scrapbooks, she paints and cooks and gardens, and no doubt, countless other handicrafts that I’ve never even heard of.  (On the bright side, thanks to Tunie’s creativity, I am the proud possessor of the coolest afghan the world has ever known, not to mention several amazing articles of clothing, handcrafted and unique, and truly epic.)  Her home is full of those touches, unable to be purchased in any store, that come when a person creates beautiful things, and in the process, puts a little bit of herself, the love in her heart, into those objects.  I think her back door summarizes it very well.

Tunie is a character.  Don’t let that demure smile fool you for one minute.  This is the lady who rides up on my tail in order to make sure I can hear her cheerful whistle as I struggle in agony up the final hills at the end of one of our 35-mile bike rides. (Yeah, she’s super cool for jaunts like that.)  This is the lady who has been known to hide under the kitchen table, or play all manner of crazy games (in the house) or build tents in the living room for naptime, or rassle her kiddos, no matter that they’re pretty much all bigger than she is now.  Oh, and guess who’s never happier than when she’s up to her elbows in some madcap project?  Yep.  (Work all day, throw together some gourmet hors d’ oeuvres and then whip up a new outfit at 2 AM, all the night before a party, anyone?)

Tunie is a friend.  Really, all other qualities aside, it is that one that I cherish the most.  Yes, Tunie is full of really cool, admirable, fun-to-hang-out-with qualities, but it is her quiet, genuine, honest and heartfelt friendship that I treasure above anything else.  Here is a lady who has opened her heart and her home and her family to me, who has invited me to share in her dreams and adventures and quiet times.  How blessed I am to have the gift of a friend who loves life, loves the Lord, exudes an enthusiasm for living and experiencing new things, who offers a bedrock of love and support, who cheers me on and who fights on my side, no matter what.  Proverbs 31 asks us, “Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies.”  Truer words are not spoken; so many of us harbor dreams of finding just one friend, one kindred spirit to call our own. I am blessed beyond description in that I have found that friend, and I thank my heavenly Father for the great gift he sent my way.

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