Monday, June 17, 2013

The Broiled Brie and Peach Sandwich (with Basil)

So I made this sandwich.  It was a good sandwich.  Think homemade buttermilk seed bread, St. Andre triple-cream brie, fresh peach, toasted and broiled until hot and melty, and then drizzled with clover honey.  Utterly marvelous.  A bit knife-and-fork (or crouch-awkwardly-over-the-kitchen-sink), but marvelous nonetheless.

"But wait!" you say.  "What is the green stuff?"  Ah yes, the green stuff.  THAT, dear reader, is fresh basil.  Basil that I thought might be a cool (though not critically important) addition to the sandwich but lacked in my refrigerator.  So, never knowing what one might find in the Tunester's herb garden, I made inquiries.  No luck, but undaunted, I proceeded in my plans for a basil-less sandwich.  So Someone gets the bright idea to pick up basil at the grocery store.  I text Someone, assuring them that this is highly unnecessary.  (Notice the amount of basil on the sandwich. I think I used three leaves.)  No response.  Suddenly, Someone shows up (rather smugly, I might add) in my driveway with, you guessed it, a WHOLE PACKAGE OF BASIL.  Might I repeat, I used three leaves.  So I now have an abundance of basil in my refrigerator.  Pesto, anyone?  Moral of story: DO NOT ARBITRARILY AND CONVENIENTLY IGNORE TEXTS!

P.S.  The basil kicked the sandwich over the top.

- Care

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